Showing posts from June 4, 2023

樓面侍應 Waiter / Waitress (FT / PT) [Hong Kong S.A.R.]

工作內容: 上菜﹐下單﹐處理付款及日結 負責協助處理日常營運工作 確保鋪面清潔﹐衛生﹐設備設施齊全良好 確認客人訂座詳情 應答客人需要﹐介紹餐廳菜式予客人 (如需) 預備及製作餐廳基本前菜…

Salesman MP [Germany]

EnerSys is the global leader in stored energy solutions for industrial applications. We have o…

Sales Executive [India]

We are looking for a passionate sales executive to join our sales team. The sales executive…

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